Trees Program Outline

Welcome and Introduction

Behavioral Guidelines for visit:

  • We are in the animals' neighborhood
  •  Stay on trails with your group unless taken off trails with class activity
  • Leave flowers and plants for animals (don't pick anything)
  • Pick up trail treasures to enjoy on-site, but no collecting-leave everything

Students are introduced to some amazing tree facts and play a game to determine what everyday items come from trees. 


1.  Tree Walk (Grades K-3): Students explore the Nature Center trees to discover how animals use trees, then play a game to learn the difference between coniferous and deciduous trees. 

 Tree Keying (Grades 4-6): Students learn how to use a dichotomous key by classifying trees using such things as leaf shapes and branch arrangements. 

2.  Arborist Challenge

Students work in teams to draw, identify, make sounds, and participate in more challenges as they learn more about trees. 

3.  Classroom 

  • Tree Sketchbooks-Students learn about trees by handling tree parts (twigs, buds, leaves, tree rings, etc.)  Microscopes and hand lenses are available for use.  Students record what they observe in tree sketchbooks. 
  • Students discover more about nature by exploring our exhibits and looking at our animals. 
  • Papermaking-Students work with a partner to make a piece of handmade paper out of recycled paper.

Topics are covered by varying degrees depending upon the maturity of students and time constraints.